
Turbonegro at the El Rey

May 29th, 2013

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

The first time I saw Turbonegro was in December 2004 at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. One of my friends was working with a crew hired to film the show and they needed an extra camera guy. I had no idea who Turbonegro was or what I was getting myself into... Let's just say it was an experience I will never forget... If you ever have the opportunity to see these guys play live, go! I don't care what else you have going on, or if you've never even heard one of their songs. Just go! You will not be disappointed. 

ResErected from another rumored break-up with a new singer; Tony Sylvester aka The Duke of Nothing, new drummer; Tommy Manboy, and a new album; Sexual Herassment,  the band did not disappoint last Saturday at the El Rey Theater in Los Angeles, proving that Turbonegro will never die. Turbo opened with the 1996 classic "Just Flesh" to a writhing sea of denim clad Turbojugend (Kiss has an Army, Turbo has a Navy), and powered through a mixture of 16 classic and new tracks, ending the night on one intense cover of Rocket from the Tomb's classic "Final Solution."

All in all, it was another epic performance by the denim demons from Norway.

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree


The Turbojugend

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree

Turbonegro at the El Rey © Bryan Crabtree


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